Changes take over this site as I gear up for the future with the release of my book.
2023 is here and has brought with it some challenges and potential rewards. I am finally on the home stretch for my novel, The Monsters Within, to go public. The coming weeks until then will be a very busy time for me. In fact, these past few months, especially since the holidays, have been quite active.
If you have been to my website before, you see that there have been major changes to the look and design. Thanks to a wonderful designer, I have migrated to a new host and gave the site a facelift in preparations for the launch of my novel. While much of it is still a work in progress, the core feature, my blog, is up and running and better than before. Everybody is welcome to interact with me by leaving comments and telling me how you feel about the blog’s topic. If you came to this blog post via a link, check out the full site at
With that said, I should get back into publishing regular blogs soon as things stabilize for me. I also intend to expanding my content, even coming into the current generation, with podcast(s) and vlogs or other types of videos. I am still working out those details, but among the ideas would be audio versions of some of my prominent blog posts (both old and new) and in-depth discussions (either solo or with a guest) about my favorite inspirations in literature, film, and games.
Along with the new look for my website, I also have been preparing my publishing company, Infinite Worlds, Inc., for the launch of my novel. You can check out the website there at

The site is a work in progress as I get the business established. The foundation is in place for Infinite Worlds to become a strong Independent Publisher. In addition to my personal blog, I intend to release some blog entries over the coming weeks to help outline the company, our vision, values, and goals, along with what we are all about. Look for articles explaining what genres we focus on (at the base, it is speculative fiction, but that covers a wide field of genres and I want to break it down), and target audiences we aim to reach (the easiest answer is everyone interested, but I will break down exactly what that means and how it works).
While we are not accepting submissions at the moment, I hope to do so soon. We will develop the plan for what submissions will be accepted and how they will be implemented.
Finally, I come to the subject of my novel. Presently, I aim to release The Monsters Within in mid-May. The specific date, along with details and preorders, will soon be provided. I also intend to release some preview chapters leading up to launch.

With that in mind, I also have several projects in the wings. A sequel to The Monsters Within is among them, along with a separate novel that I began working on during last year’s NaNoWriMo. Speaking of which, I intend to take part in that again this year. Anyway, also in the works is a list of short stories and the foundations of other novels and series that I have brewing in my brain (many of which I have already started noting and developing).
The coming weeks are going to be busy. I can’t wait until I am able to get my novel into the hands of readers and share the stories filling my head.
This site’s homepage – S. J. Serio – Author of “The Hedge Maze” (
Publisher Website – Infinite Worlds Publishing – Infinite Dreams… Infinite Stories… Infinite Worlds!